
New York City


Mr Miyagi is guild leader of New York City.
The guild was founded on Xerazx-OT on 24 July 2023.

Guild Members
Rank Name and Title Vocation Rebirth Last Login
Leader Mr Miyagi Epic Elite Knight 7410 3 months and 4 days
Vice-Leader Bob Marley Epic Master Sorcerer 7656 3 months and 4 days
Member Christinus Mornshield Epic Royal Paladin 6944 3 months and 4 days
  Yiryi Epic Master Sorcerer 1522 4 months and 2 weeks
  Taven Epic Master Sorcerer 1736 4 months and 2 weeks
  Kleinth Epic Elite Knight 2440 4 months and 2 weeks
  Loth Forkzz Epic Master Sorcerer 1315 5 months and 2 weeks
  Gaarita Epic Royal Paladin 1261 6 months and 2 weeks

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